12 Days of Gift Guides: For the Foodie

12 Days of Gift Guides: For the Foodie

发布时间 24 11月 2022 发布于  Food & Drink
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12 Days of Gift Guides: For The Foodie

We all love to eat, but people who classify themselves as a "foodie" typically embody the same spirit as an appreciator of the arts.

They don't just enjoy food. They hold an admiration for great chefs and creative techniques. And they always attempt to build a beautiful meal on their own.

If you know someone like this who takes “loving food” to a new height, we have compiled a list of gifts they're sure to cherish this holiday season.


Wok - Sur La Table ( cash back)

It is plenty possible to cook a satisfactory, even delicious stir fry in regular a non-stick pan. However, to acquire an official, evenly cooked stir fry, you had better have a wok. The wok's unique selling point is its ability to circulate heat and there are no other pans to substitute for it.

Stir fries call for constant movement on high heat so the ingredients can develop quickly without burning. A wok is a great gift for anyone who loves fast and hot cooking, but is wondering why they can't get their stir fries right.


Our Place Pan - Anthropologie ( cash back)

It was not too long ago that the Always Pan took the world by storm. The 8-in-1 pan can fry, sauté, steam, act as a saucier, and hang onto your spatula and spoon. It’s no wonder that it has just under a 5-star rating on its website from over 27,000 happy customers.

These pans come in a palette of muted colors to choose from and will blend beautifully into your home. Their condensed nature is perfect for apartment dwellers that would rather spend their time using their kitchen than organizing it.


Sous Vide - Home Depot (最高 12% cash back)

If your friend is a self-proclaimed foodie, there is a chance that they are striving for perfection. On the flip side, if they are a true foodie, they will know there is pretty much no such thing as perfection in the kitchen. However, the sous vide is a tool that automates perfection.

All the chef needs to do is place their seasoned protein in a sealed bag, drop said bag in a container full of water, and let the sous vide take it from there. It heats the water and whatever is in it to a desired temperature. After it has reached the preferred internal temperature, all that's left to do is remove the bag and maybe add a sear at the end.


10 Pack Spice Blend – Spicewalla ( cash back)

One of the most instrumental parts about being a gourmand, such as the friend you are buying for, is having the hunger for something new at all times. Spicewalla’s 10 Pack of Signature blends guarantees at least 10 brand-new dinners.

If they are bold in the kitchen, as all great chefs need to be, there is hardly any limit to the amount of new flavors that can be created when combining these blends. Spicewalla’s spices are fresh, chef-driven, and vast & diverse, an essential combination for a foodie that wants to keep their dishes as intriguing as they are indulging.


Automatic Salt & Pepper Grinders – Macy’s (最高 15% cash back)

This is definitely a luxury, but then again, most gifts are. Let your bon vivant friend enjoy their holiday without having to strain themselves over their seasonings. Save your foodie’s wrists from arduous twisting with a pair of self-grinders from Macy’s.


Schmidt Bros Cutlery – Walmart ( cash back)

Chopping is an unavoidable part of the cooking process and the bane of many people's cooking endeavors. A set of these knives will completely transform your preparation process. Chopping won’t be a tedious preliminary task, but you will find the smoothness and rhythm in each slice provided by these knives.

The 14-piece contains German steel blades fashioned with Acacia wood handles for comfortable, stylish, and guided cubing, dicing, and mincing. These knives are currently available at Walmart and soon to be available in your foodie’s cutlery drawer.


Truffles – Gourmet Food World  ( cash back)

If you have patronized any fancy restaurants in the past few years, you may have noticed the sudden explosion in appearance of dishes involving truffles. Truffles are an extravagant accoutrement and, pound for pound, one of the most expensive foods out there.

In nature, truffles are difficult to find, take years to grow and, when they are finally ready, only have a short shelf life. But when you have a good one, there is nothing like it. Give your foodie the gift of truffles and stick around to see what they make out of them.


Olive Oil – Kosterina ( cash back)

Olive oil could possibly be the most important ingredient in the kitchen. It would have to fight out some other hearty contenders, but the right chef could win that argument.

Although it’s always delicious, infusing the Mediterranean oil with complementary flavors to enhance the dish is another tool cooks can use to elevate their dishes. Some of the best olive oils that produce this enhancement are those by Kosterina and you can have your choice directly from its website.


Goldbelly Gift Card ( cash back)

To be a foodie and not have access to the nation's best foods is a type of imprisonment. Goldbelly puts the best food from around the country at your doorstep.

By surprising your cuisinista with a purchase from Goldbelly, they can experience the best pizza from Manhattan, lobster rolls from Maine, and Gumbo from Louisianna.

Pasta Press Attachment – Bed Bath & Beyond ( cash back)

There truly is no comparing pasta from a box with freshly prepared pasta. They may as well be different foods. It will add hours to your Sunday sauce, but along with the hours come swells of enjoyment to the dining experience.

The cook you’re buying for may be reluctant to make this customary at first, but the eaters’ fervor for the fresh stuff will make the chef hard-pressed to deny the cries of their customers. Pick up a pasta machine from Bed Bath & Beyond and make sure to bring a dessert to the dinner you’ve been invited to.


Salt Fat Acid Heat – Thrift Books ( cash back)

This is more of a cooking book than a cookbook. But once you read it you will be able to put knowledge found within into practice every time you pick up a pot.

The concepts taken from this book are so useful you become a natural in the kitchen through understanding of how food and flame work together to synthesize something delicious. This is a book for an aspiring foodie who wants to know what they don’t know.


A Cookbook - BOOKS-A-MILLION ( cash back)

Although we just recommended the definitive cook’s book there is still an enormous number of recipes inside of other cookbooks to try. Books that are based on television shows, curated by world-class chefs and written by stay-at-home moms who have their own highly practical way of cooking.

Instead of recommending just one cookbook (The Soprano’s Family Cookbook, Eat What You Watch, Celebrate With Babs) for recipes your friend will enjoy, take them cookbook shopping at BOOKSAMILLION.com.


Mortar and Pestle or Molcajete - Kohl’s (2% cash back)

This is an either or because they are so similar, but no kitchen is complete without at least one. The mortar and pestle is best for a wide variety of ingredients because of its smooth surface which also makes it easier to clean.

A molcajete is made with either basalt or concrete and volcanic rock. It seasons more the more it's used and stands on three legs. These are mainly used for salsa and guacamole, but not limited to them. In case you can’t decide, they can both be purchased at Kohl’s for great rates.


Pizza Steel - Oriental Trading Company ( cash back)

Sometimes we (TopCashback) need to be the company that tells the hard truths that others simply don’t have the chutzpah to dictate, so here it goes…

Everybody loves pizza.

If the food aficionado you are shopping for considers themselves a part of this collective, there is a chance they have considered creating their own pie at home. Help them perfect the at-home pizza by getting them a pizza steel from the Oriental Trading Company.


Apron - QVC ( cash back)


Finally, a cook needs to protect themselves and their clothes. The statistics are in and roughly 4.5 zillion perfectly good sweaters and/or pants have been ruined by oil stains. These disastrous and senseless incidents could have been avoided had the cooks just worn an apron.

You know your food friend’s personality and there are plenty of aprons that will coincide with it from the selection at QVC.



We hope this list helps you on your quest to find the right present for your foodie this year. If we missed any essentials, please feel free to let us know in the comments below!

Photograph of the blog author, Louis Pino.

by Louis Pino

Louis Pino is the junior copywriter at TopCashback.com. He defines frugality as not solely buying life's necessities, but being resourceful when it comes to purchasing your wants. This is why, since 2021, Louis has been spreading the good word of balancing money management and shopping through informative blog posts such as this.

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